Friday, February 18, 2011

Until moving to Mali, the Lord has never had to be everything to me. At home I always have a person to fill in all of the different spots that pop up throughout the day, and those spots change from day to day.  But since being here, I have never felt so alone. Of course, I am constantly around people, but not people that I can take rest in.  The Lord is having to take the place of my parents, my best friend, my acquaintances, my doctor and every other place that you could possibly think of. Although I am sure that I could go lower, I feel as though I have hit my lowest point. But that’s okay. That is exactly where the Lord wants me to be. He is teaching me weakness. He said that it is through my weakness, that I will find His strength. Obviously its not an easy process, but in the end I am sure that it will be quite worth it. The Lord is proving to me each and every day that He is faithful to speak to me through His word, when I am faithful to first bring my emotions to Him. When I make Him my first priority, He makes me His first priority. He is forever faithful.

This week has been full of new experiences. I am getting comfortable in my surroundings and learning new things about the culture each and every day.  We are taking language classes twice a week and I assure you, Bambara is no piece of cake. But, the Malian’s get so excited when they see that you are trying to learn their language and practice with them, even if you do butcher it entirely.  The first week that we were here, we had a common Malian dish for dinner one day. At that point, I had to do everything that I could to not throw up each bite that I took in. This week, we had that plate once again.. And apparently my taste buds have had a change in heart because now I cannot wait until the next time that I get to eat it. Progress. Of course, I am still missing home with everything in me, and I pray each and every day that my parents get to come and visit this summer.. But regardless,  I am still making progress.. Even though sometimes that is hard to see.  Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement, the Lord has definitely used that to show me His comfort in times where I need it the most.  As we say it in Bambara, I ni ce, or Barika. Thankyou.

Ps- If anybody wants to write letters or send packages, here is the address:

Ariel Ivey
Care of:
Mission Evangelique
B.P. 3211
Bamako, Mali


  1. Enjoy reading your blog. You don't really know me, but I know your Mom & Dad and your grandparents (Micky & Linda). It isn't easy to leave the comforts & security of home, family, and the USA. Doing the right thing isn't always easy. But it's doing the right thing that counts & matters to God. You belong to Him, & He will take care of you - spirit, soul & body. God will use your talents & abilities & maturity for His glory. Keep listening to His voice; He wants to speak to us daily. Praying for you. Love, Kay Daniels

  2. The congregation prayed for you yesterday. We are all praying for and supporting you. You are remembered and missed by all. Your Dad has mentioned you and your situation every time I've been around him, so I know he's missing your presence as well. It's in these times we truly learn the blessings the Lord has given us in family.

    When a young person leaves home, even for college three hours away they lose their sense of self and have to find themselves. Even things like the fully stocked refrigerator are gone and missed. Your situation is much tougher, even the culture you knew is gone for now. I admire the strength of character you show by leaning on our only true source of strength, God. It's taken me half a lifetime to learn the lessons you are now learning and yet, I still fall short of what I need to be. You will return from Mali with the gold of your faith already shifted through the furnace of God's tests and be an amazing person. You are special to have went in the first place, God is going to know take that foundation and build something amazing on it.

    Stay strong in the Lord and know this is but a temporary storm you will grow from.
