Thursday, September 13, 2012

The tangibility of God has left me forever astounded. Regardless of how I feel He is the author of every single breath that I partake in.. And if I so choose, every breath can be breathed of Him. He wants to be our satisfaction, our oxygen. He doesn't need us and His identity is not made legitimate by our desperation for Him. If only we could comprehend that we are not the makers or breakers of God.
God does not need me. And that is what makes His love so true, so full, and so complete. To not be needed and yet still wanted is astonishing. So often we love those who we need and when their ability to satisfy us ceases, our love for them dies as well. I am so hungry and yet left desperately not hungry enough. Can one ever be full of God? There is no end to Him. There is always more. He is a never ending fountain. In my first three weeks of school I am learning just how tangible He really is. He wants me to carry on in conversation with Him, He wants to help us figure out our flat tires and homework. He's for us, not against us. We do not seek Him in vain. Every second becomes joy when we draw closer. And it is in drawing closer to Him that we start to look like Him, talk like Him, and act like Him. I want to look like Jesus. I'm surely not there yet, but our DNA has to be changed from the inside out. Look like Jesus. Look like Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. you see?! always what i need to hear in some way. hope you continue writing :D
