It is rather exciting that exactly one month from this day, I will step onto a plane and my life will forever be different. There is still so much to be done. I still need monthly support. I feel rather unprepared. I can only pray that the Lord is in some way preparing me although I feel so far from it. My heart is torn and at the same time leaping with joy. Jesus is my Sustainer, my Creator, my Provider, my Lover.. And He will only continue to become more to me. I am so stoked to allow Him to complete every part of who I am. He is sufficient.
"I am El Shaddai. Walk before me and be perfect." -Genesis 17:1

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I am completely overwhelmed right now. My God is such a good provider. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that this man and his precious wife who have been raising millions upon millions of dollars to build Bible schools in Africa would even think of me and on top of that send me money for my trip next year. God is so, so good to me. All in one day I have received money from a man who is much greater than I, and from a small child at church. Size is of no matter. They both mean equally as much to me. Im so grateful. God is able to do above all that I could ever think, hope, or even ask for. I serve a creative God.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
It is time for things to start happening and I feel very far behind. Along with all of the monthly support and prayer that I need.. I simply just have lots to do. I know that the Lord is my maker, my provider, and my purpose fulfiller. Through Him I am more than a conqueror and I cannot wait to look back on these moments and wonder why I ever worried. I am in the hands of the one who formed me.. I am trusting. I need His help. I need your help.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
And He is Faithful
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Matthew 6:25-27
Thursday, September 9, 2010
ne togo ___
For reasons that reason cannot understand I am overwhelmed and filled with joy at the fact that my arrival in Mali is coming ever so swiftly. I am only four months away from the experience that will forever change the way that I live and breathe. I am so excited for all that God is doing in me as He prepares my heart for what is to come. Trusting in Him as my provider is something that I daily have to remember. It is coming to be time where money is due, and plans are actually starting to be made. Every day I stretch my brain out to try and think of a new way that I can raise funds as I am now actually going to have to support myself. I treasure every moment of thoughts as I see faces in my mind of the Men, Women, and Children that I will shortly be in contact with and be able to share the love of Jesus with. "For those who lose their life for my sake, will find it." That is my desire. To be entirely given over to the Lover of my soul even unto death. I pray that the Lord would use me beyond my own measure and bring others into the salvation that He so freely and abundantly gives.
Monday, August 16, 2010
As a child it was a determined fact in my family that I would not be the kid to ever be a missionary. My hate for bugs, dirt, and anything else outside of my comfort zone played right along with what we assumed my future would be. Not to mention how shy I was. Boldness was not in my vocabulary and I often played the safe side of the fence with everything that I did. Stepping outside of my comfort zone was not something that I even thought about, unless I was forced to by my mom. Leaving the country for the name of Christ was laughable if it was brought up in the same sentence with my name. I was content with where I would one day end up, and that was that.
I never once felt compelled torwards missions until my first trip to Jamaica. I fell in love with the children and the Lord tore my heart to pieces for them.. But, I still never considered it a calling. One day I was praying about my future, and was getting very impatient with what the Lord wanted me to do. I asked out of frustration for the Lord to please tell me where I was headed. I have never been so sure, and heard something so clear in my life. Africa then became where my brain, eyes, and heart started to lean to.
That was over three years ago and I did not ever imagine that I would be headed to Africa so soon. I am young but the Lord is turning me into a Lioness and giving me the boldness that I need in order to fulfill what He has written for me to do. He has transformed my personality into who I need to be. In January I will be heading to West Africa for one year and quite honestly I am scared to death. But, my passion and excitement outweighs every fear that I have. It is never easy to walk in a place of uncertainty, especially when there is more against my cause than there is for it. The Lord has called me and regardless of circumstances I will be there in January of 2011. The progress is slow, but progressive. The God that created me before I was ever even thought of will carry out in me His purpose until it is finished, whenever that may be. I do not fear death but its circumstances. The blood of Jesus covers every inch of me. His grace is sufficient and His love is everlasting.
This is my journey.
I never once felt compelled torwards missions until my first trip to Jamaica. I fell in love with the children and the Lord tore my heart to pieces for them.. But, I still never considered it a calling. One day I was praying about my future, and was getting very impatient with what the Lord wanted me to do. I asked out of frustration for the Lord to please tell me where I was headed. I have never been so sure, and heard something so clear in my life. Africa then became where my brain, eyes, and heart started to lean to.
That was over three years ago and I did not ever imagine that I would be headed to Africa so soon. I am young but the Lord is turning me into a Lioness and giving me the boldness that I need in order to fulfill what He has written for me to do. He has transformed my personality into who I need to be. In January I will be heading to West Africa for one year and quite honestly I am scared to death. But, my passion and excitement outweighs every fear that I have. It is never easy to walk in a place of uncertainty, especially when there is more against my cause than there is for it. The Lord has called me and regardless of circumstances I will be there in January of 2011. The progress is slow, but progressive. The God that created me before I was ever even thought of will carry out in me His purpose until it is finished, whenever that may be. I do not fear death but its circumstances. The blood of Jesus covers every inch of me. His grace is sufficient and His love is everlasting.
This is my journey.
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